Acute Energy Medicine

Specialized and powerful healing1

Have you recently left an abusive relationship?

Have you just experienced a crisis or trauma?

Do you feel trapped or worse yet, lost?

Do you need a jump start to your recovery?

Do you require someone who is trauma aware and informed?

Thank you for surviving.

…now what?

Your life has been destroyed and everywhere you turn, no one understands or as any empathy for what you’ve experienced, what you’ve survived…

And worst of all – you can feel them

What they did

How they harmed you

How you are still connected

Or, you are simply left with the stomach-turning sensation that something is WRONG

And no one believes you…they write it off as leftover trauma.

But…you know before each time they call, or email, or text

You can feel it

And they always call just as you are getting your shit together

Or are finally having a good day

Or smile

And it’s exhausting and it’s dehumanizing

No one told you that on top of the physical, metal, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse…

There would be SPIRITUAL abuse as well!

You just want one person who understands consent…

And in need of someone who just gets it?

What you expect, what you NEED is your life back

The control over yourself back


Acute Energy Medicine has been designed specifically to meet these needs!

What can I say about Lys other than she’s amazing?! Lys helped me through a very difficult time when western medicine was failing me. I had been suffering for months after having viral meningitis. I had been in bed for almost three months, unable to sit up and unable to care for myself. Nothing seemed to be working that the doctors did and needless to say I was extremely frustrated. Lys came to my rescue! After one session with her, my body started to respond. Within a short time, I was able to sit up and I began to feel more and more like my old self. Within time, I became completely healed. I am so grateful for what Lys did for me.

Jennifer Billings

Energy Medicine client

  1. Visit the disclaimers page for information on healing.  ↩︎