Public Speaking and Education

Powerful education and meaningful inspiration

You want to add more education, but don’t have the resources in house.

You want something that offers growth and inspiration for the attendants.

You want personalized and tailored topics and classes for your group or organization.

You need someone who is equally comfortable speaking to groups of 5 or 5,000 or more.

You need engaging, researched, and relevant content.

You need a speaker who can talk for 30 minutes or over multiple-day events.

You’re tired of the same topics, presentations…

…and outcomes.

And your audience craves authenticity and inspiration that THEY can relate to.

I can help.

Contact me and make your next event unforgettable!

Past engagements have included:
Boundaries: Reclaiming the Self – Level 1: Introductory Methods.
Introduction to Reiki: Brief history and Overview of the system1
Cultivating Your Intuition

“I took a workshop with Lys about the importance of establishing boundaries. As a woman who was raised in a religion which told me my power was to be “nice,” the idea of setting boundaries has always scary. At the workshop, Lys was very articulate about how being nice and setting boundaries were two different things that did not have to be exclusive to one another. I brought up specific situations that I couldn’t see a solution to and Lys offered some helpful suggestions. One thing I appreciated about Lys is her working with you to find the answer that is most comfortable. If a suggestion felt too aggressive for me, they would acknowledge how I felt and then offer different ideas that they could tell would appeal to me more. Not everyone (like myself) is ready for the big steps, and they understand that. They’re also a great cheerleader – after the workshop when I was able to effectively stand up for my needs and set boundaries, I wanted so much to share the victory with someone. They made me feel as though my successes were as important to them as they were to me, and always took time to listen to my wins. I highly recommend their life enhancing tools.“

Victoria Greenia

VT, USA – Student

  1. I no longer offer Reiki sessions, instructions, or teachings ↩︎