Why Energy Medicine?

We live in a culture (in the US especially) which compartmentalizes our lived experiences, as if they were separate and isolated. This however couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because we put up so many imaginary partitions, we treat all issues as isolated, forgetting to see the interconnected nature of them.

Energy medicine, or energy work, addresses an often overlooked aspect of our selves and our lived experiences. We know that if we experience a physical trauma, that we may also experience a mental or emotional trauma, however we leave out the possibility of energetic or spiritual trauma. And just as a physical trauma or experience can affect the other aspects of our lived experience, so too can mental or energetic traumas or experiences affect the rest of ourselves.

The way I experience the world, everything has an essence or being and those essences can be communicated with at varying degrees, and there are a multitude of beings with various degrees of power. Everything is also interconnected, like a web of energy that can be viewed, tended, and manipulated.

For many, energy work and practioners have been a fad or filled with love and light and toxic positivity. It has been a renunciation of pain and suffering, of trauma and deep wounds in favor of feel-good experiences and gaslighting. The energy work that most have experienced is like going to a GP for light wound care or easily administered prescriptions and guidance. Because of this many never look into energy work any deeper to find practitioners for the issues that they might be experiencing.

We focus on our physical health by exercising, eating for our needs, drinking water, and visiting a doctor for preventative and emergent care. We focus on our mental and emotional health by using a mindfulness practice, learning, and visiting a therapist for assistance in working through our thoughts and emotions. So too should we be honoring and focusing on our energetic health by cleansing, protecting, healing, and growing.