Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing more about mundane topics. This may have many folks wondering why I don’t focus on more magical topics.
Spoiler alert, I am.
One of the greatest disservices that the magical community has done to itself in the US is put up a wall between the mundane and the magical, to see them as separate, non-related things.
One of the reasons why so many people come to paganism, regardless of the path or ideology, is because we crave connection, especially to nature and that which we cannot see, but that which we understand and experience nonetheless. So, why then do we insist on disconnecting mundane from magical? (An answer and exploration for another time.)
When I discuss issues of science, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, or any other field of information like the post Finding Your Power, I am in fact sharing about and teaching magic. While knowledge is indeed power, the integration and application is where knowledge’s true wealth lies.
I will be sharing mundane topics and inviting you explicitly and implicitly to explore the knowledge’s magical applications and how it can further you as a worker and in your empowerment journey.