Who do you work with? What are your clients like?
Short answer – everyone! I specialize in working with those who identify as pagan, heathen, occult, grey or darker pathwork, left-hand path, BDSM, kink and sex-positive folks, otherkin, trauma survivors, neurodiverse (especially Autistic) people, and LGBTQIA2S+ (including trans and non-binary) people. I work with people who are seeking someone who is trauma aware and who are looking for active, informed, and enthusiastic consent.
What are your qualifications?
Please visit my About page. I am happy to answer any specific questions regarding my qualifications and experience via the contact form or email.
What are your hours?
My working hours vary, so please contact me to set up an appointment. For all Events, please check my website for specific information on those dates.
What are your pricing policies?
Upfront payment required for all services, including packages. Most services are available remotely (via Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet). For services performed in person, travel fees may apply. Please review my Terms & Conditions. Cancelation Policy – 48 hours is required for cancellation for all services. Appointments cancelled within 48 hours will not be eligible for refund. Emergent cancellations will be reviewed on a case by case basis and are not promised refunds.
How do I book with you?
Please call, email, or contact me via this website to set up an appointment.
What can I expect during a session?
Different energetic techniques may be used depending on what is needed at the time of the appointment. These techniques are performed with the foreknowledge and active consent of all parties involved; human and compassionate beings. All of those involved will determine what is needed and how much work is to be done during a particular session.
How do you know that the person you are treating or working with doesn’t have a “real” problem?
I work with each client to make sure that they’ve ruled out things such as mental and physical health considerations with other trained, licensed professionals. Additionally for locations, I work with the client to rule out common and mundane causes for what they are experiencing. If a client is not interested in ruling out the non-paranormal, I may choose not to work with them. While energetic, spiritual, and paranormal issues are very real, I have a firm belief in a holistic and scientific approach, which means ruling out mundane sources of the issues that are being brought to me.
Will your energy medicine heal me?
My work is not a panacea and I make no claims or guarantees to that effect. Please read my Terms & Conditions.
Why did you miss something during our session?
Healing is a journey. In my experience missing something could mean one of a number of things. First, that one aspect needs to heal more thoroughly so that you are strong enough to be ready for the next step. Secondly, that I work with consent and not force. What this means is that unless an aspect is ready to release, change, or be included, that I may not see it because something in the equation is not ready to make that shift.
Healing too fast can be more harmful than not healing at all.
Why didn’t the energy medicine work?
As with any modality, the practitioner cannot change the individual unless the individual is ready to change. I believe in my work, but I am not here to force a change. Please see the previous two questions.
What should I expect after an energy medicine session?
When any energy work is done, you will want to follow a self-care regimen that works for you. As the body, mind, and energy body adjust to the new changes, you may see other issues surface or old ones subside. This is normal and natural, and one of the main reasons that I strongly advise all of my clients to work with licensed medical and mental health professionals. If you have any concerns after a session, please reach out to me and your licensed healthcare team.
Why do I have to perform aftercare?
Aftercare helps take care of you post-energy work. It helps you to continue your healing and provides a good foundation for integration and reaching a new homeostasis. Can you not do it? Sure. Will you get the same benefits and results? Maybe. I ask that you think about it like surgery. Once the procedure has been performed, there are many things for you to do: rest, hygiene, therapy. You can have surgery and not do these things, however your outcomes are going to be so much better if you do. All aftercare instructions are tailored to the individual, their needs, abilities, and resources. You can learn more about aftercare here
Why is the Acute Energy Medicine service is more expensive?
It is more expensive because of the additional prep work, experience, commitment of my energy, and follow up that is done as a part of the service.
What is a psychic medium?
A psychic medium is someone who received psychic impressions and can communicate with and/or channel the dead or non-corporeal beings. Channeling means that one has the ability to allow beings to become embodied temporarily for the purposes of more direct communication.
If you were really psychic, wouldn’t you have all of the answers?
No one has all of the answers, and those claiming to should best be avoided altogether. Psychics view most likely outcomes based on the current patterns. Any change in those patterns can affect a change in the outcome.
Isn’t this just New Age quackery?
Yes, you could see it as that. However many individuals, and many cultural, spiritual, and religious traditions around the world have some aspect of energy or spiritual medicine as part of their practices or understanding of the world. As individuals, we have many components to who we are (physical, emotional, energetic, etc.), and thus many components to our health.
You use the phrase trauma aware, but I thought the term was trauma informed?
You are correct. Many practioners (medical, dental, mental health, etc.) use the term trauma informed. As an abuse survivor, it was my displeasure (and repeated re-traumatization) to learn that many practitioners who use that phrase actually have no idea what it means nor how to apply it in their practice. And while I believe that we should continue to educate all practitioners to be actually trauma informed, I have stepped away from the phrase ‘trauma informed’ to distance myself from those who use it as a buzzword, to gain attention, or in err.
What makes your style of coaching different?
My style of coaching is different because it comes from a neurodiverse, co-creative, straightforward approach that blends intuition, honesty, integrity, and fierce compassion to help you achieve your desired outcomes. I don’t use pain points, shame, manipulation, gaslighting, or coercion. Non-neurodiverse (ND) folks may find the approach more straightforward than they are used to.
What is the difference between coaching and therapy?
Coaches are uncertified and unlicensed, while therapists are certified and licensed. Coaching deals with goals and aspirations and is grounded in the now and the future. Therapy addresses mental and emotional health and focuses on the past. For me, coaching and therapy are complimentary modalities that can work in concert with one another beautifully.
Why don’t you have your coaching certification?
Certification is not required by law to practice coaching, as coaching is a completely unregulated field. I may seek my ICF certification in the future, but typically that credentialing is advised for individuals who work with businesses and corporations.
I just want help, but I don’t want to hear about decolonization (or racism, gender rights, gay rights, ableism, white supremacy, intersectional feminism, etc.).
Please find another practitioner. Decolonization work (along with bringing to our awareness the other internalized societal issues) is an integral part to who I am, my philosophies and ethics, and my energy. I suggest that a decolonization practice be part of your healing journey, because colonialism and white supremacy affect everyone, including those for whom they are meant to benefit, like myself. For this deep and meaningful work, I advise you to seek out and learn from individuals of marginalized communities who are willing to teach and to pay them for their labor (ex. books, classes, workshops). I can help hold space and do some emotional labor with you, but you should be listening to and learning from those affected by our systems of oppression.
Why do you offer a sliding scale or payment options?
Pricing is something that I have struggled with. The general teaching is that you charge based on your experience, the value of your offerings, the outcomes of your services, and what others in your area and field are charging. Underpricing conveys that your offering has less inherent value or that you are not good at what you do and that clients are less likely to engage. Additionally, it looks like you are undercutting your competition. Here is the problem. Most New Age, Reiki, energy medicine, empowerment tools, and coaching are geared towards white middleclass ciswomen who have the privilege, time, and money to obtain these resources. (Please read this article by Gabriella Evangeline.) I remember the times in my life where I just needed some extra help, but often it was too expensive (ex. I had to choose between help and food or shelter or gas to get to a job). I know that there are some people that will try to pay less than they can afford, however I choose to let this go so that I can be in service to those who are in need. I also know that now that I am able, I pay full price and have paid back on what I received from others for free.
I don’t want cost to be the difference between someone’s healing or continued suffering.
What languages do you speak?
I speak English and some basic conversational French. Translators are always welcome to be present for no additional charge.
How do I avoid being taken advantage of by practitioners in the spiritual or coaching community?
Do you research. Check out their testimonials. Are they all written in the same tone, or does it sound like different people? Trust your gut, if you can’t trust your gut, then get a trusted loved-one to vibe check the practitioner. Google the practitioner. Ask around in various communities to determine if someone knows them and what experience they’ve had with them. Ask for a consultation if you’ve never worked with the practitioner before.
Here are some red flags:
– the practitioner claims to have super-special gifts that no one else has, or were gifted to them and them alone by a super-duper-special supreme being
– the practitioner is the only one who can fix your problem(s)
– the practitioner uses guilt, shame, and fear to keep you coming back and paying more
– the practitioner says that you are super-special and has gifts only they can teach you
– the practitioner tells you who you were in a previous life (and bonus points for if they claim that you were super-duper-special in that past life)
– the practitioner has all the answers and they have the absolute, unquestionable truth
– the practitioner doesn’t like to be or is intolerant to being questioned
– the practitioner has a fragile ego and is constantly defensive
– the practitioner is a bully to everyone but their loyal followers
– the practitioner keeps asking for more and more money for new and different issues that are not clearly communicated and just happen to appear out of nowhere, or if they didn’t “fix” it the first time
– the practitioner knows information about you that they use to manipulate you (especially with guilt or shame)
– the practitioner has a throng of super-loyal followers who do shitty things on behalf of the practitioner and will gang-up on and bully dissenters
– the practitioner attempts to isolate you from your support network
– the practitioner talks shit about their competition or feels that everyone is out to get them
– the practitioner has obviously not done a lot of self-healing work
– the practitioner has not done any self-decolonization work, claims only love and light, and consistently silences or maligns marginalized voices
– the practitioner is too good to be true
– and absolutely, most importantly that you feel something is “off” or your trusted loved-ones just “doesn’t like them” but no one can say why
I really want to work with you!
I’d love that! Please contact me and let me know how I can show up for you.